5 Reasons Great Web Design Will Encourage Visitors To Stay On Your Real Estate Company’s Website For Longer

Your website has many aims which can help your real estate company, and one aim which may not be apparent to many business owners is to retain visitors for as long as possible. As the experienced web design experts advise their clients, the longer a person spends on a website, the better it is for conversions, and for SEO.

Now, it should be pointed out that when we say retain people on a website, we are not looking to force anyone to stay there any longer than they wish, so we are not going to be suggesting some dodgy hack that stops them from clicking away. Instead, we want to do this positively, so that rather than visitors being forced to remain on your website, they are actually perfectly happy to remain there for a considerable time.

The question which we must now answer is how do we achieve this highly desirable scenario, and the answer is, in several ways, which are all related to the design of your website. These can either be incorporated into any new website’s design or on existing websites, introduced by implementing changes to its design.

Fast Website Loading Speeds Mean They Will Not Immediately Click Away

We live in an impatient world, and that is especially the case online. This means if your website does not open within a second or two of someone clicking through, then they are out of there quicker than you can say, “Come Back!”. The problem is, they will not come back, ever, and so everything must be done within your website’s design to ensure it loads in all browsers quickly.

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10 Pro Tips For Pressure Cleaning Concrete Driveways, Paths, And Patios

10 Pro Tips For Pressure Cleaning Concrete Driveways, Paths, And Patios

There are several parts of the exterior of your home where you can use pressure cleaning to remove dirt, grime, grease, mould, mildew and for limestone cleaning. Some parts of that exterior tend to get dirtier than others and they are the ones you might stand, walk, park your car on or be using as .

Your patio, your pathways, and your drive all tend to get the worst of it for several reasons. The most obvious is the fact that as they are at the lowest level all manner of debris, dust, dirt, etc. will land on them. As these are also what you will be walking on or parking your car on, it makes them more susceptible as the dirt gets ground in, or worst of all, oil and grease leaks from the car make an unsightly mess on the drive.

As we said, pressure cleaning is the ideal way to clean all of these solid surfaces, depending on what building materials were used, but it has to be done correctly. As such, we thought it would be useful to provide some tips on pressure cleaning, paths, drives and patios. Read on, and will discover ten pro pressure cleaning tips specifically concerning pressure cleaning those concrete surfaces around your home.

Pro Tip #1 – Plan Everything Properly: As with any task, proper planning is essential, including choosing the day and time, hiring your pressure cleaner, and ensuring you have the correct detergents.

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Torque Wrench Basics And Selection Checklist

Torque Wrench Basics And Selection Checklist

Although a torque wrench is a tool that you would most commonly find being used in industries such as power generation, water and gas supplies, manufacturing and construction, some scenarios come under the umbrella of home DIY that torque wrenches can be used too. Examples include car maintenance and some repairs to home heating, plumbing and air conditioning systems.

Whilst many people may have heard of torque wrenches, far fewer have seen one close up, and even fewer have used them. For this reason, when the need for a torque wrench arises, they are unsure what they need, and how they should be used correctly. That is why in this post we are going to outline some of the basics regarding torque wrenches, plus provide you with a simple checklist for selecting the most appropriate torque wrench.

What Is A Torque Wrench?

Most people will be aware that a wrench is a tool that is used to tighten nuts and bolts, and you will not be too surprised to learn that is exactly what a torque wrench does too. However, the crucial word in its name is “torque” and it is this that sets it apart from ordinary wrenches.

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3 Tips To Strategically Get Rid Of The Bugs That Attack Your Landscape Garden

No matter whether you work on a large landscaping project, or simply have a garden at home which you love tending, there is one thing that will you unite you, and that is your hatred of bugs, especially those which attack your plants and flowers.

For many home owners, property maintenance professionals and gardeners, dealing with a bug problem is something which is not especially enjoyable, but should they ever get fed up with it and leave the bugs to do their worst, all their hard work will have been for nothing. Pretty soon, plants and flowers will be attacked, devoured, and ultimately killed by those tiny pests.

However, it need not be that way, as there are several ways in which you can deal with, and in many cases, eradicate bugs from your garden. Doing so requires you to take several actions, and this does not involve simply spraying everything in sight randomly.

You need to approach the problem of bugs strategically, in much the same way an army general would if they were planning an attack on an enemy. So, if you see bugs as the enemy of you, your landscape garden, and all the plants and flowers in there, then here is an approach you should take.

Know Your Enemy

As with any scenario where you have an opponent, the more you know about them, the better your chances are of defeating them. This applies to military conflict, sporting competitions, political contests, and in trying to rid your garden of bugs.

For this, you need to have a full and clear understanding of the bugs you are up against, as this will differ depending on where you are located, the sorts of plants you have in your garden, and even the time of year.

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How to Get Rid of Bad Smells Lingering in Your Home

There’s nothing quite like coming home to the beautiful smell of dinner wafting out from the kitchen, or bread baking in the bread maker. But what about those smells you don’t want? There’s nothing quite like them either, but for an altogether different reason. When it comes to bad smells lingering in your home, getting to the source, and cleaning them is of the utmost importance. Read on to learn what it takes to say goodbye to them for good.

Identify What the Smell Is  

There’s no point rushing to the supermarket to pick up deodorisers, sprays, and candles if you don’t know what is causing the bad smell. By doing so, you’re masking it, rather than removing the source. Even though it’s not going to be pleasing to your senses to sniff around for the odour, it’s the only option you have to find it.

What does it smell like? Could it be dangerous? Is it stronger when you’re in a particular area of your home? Has it come on suddenly, or has it been getting worse? Identification is key to then moving on to getting rid of it.


If your home has a unique, musty odour, then there’s every reason to believe that mould could be to blame. Mold and mildew can smell like old mothballs or even wet cardboard and is quite distinctive.

It’s also more common around parts of your home prone to moisture, such as bathrooms. The first step to removing mould in your home is correcting the problem. If it’s caused by a leak in your bathroom, for example, then fixing that leak can stop the production of mould in its tracks.

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Commercial Cleaner

3 Tips For Finding The Perfect Commercial Cleaner

Finding a commercial cleaner to look after your business or commercial building can be difficult. The options are seemingly endless, and it can be tiring reading through a whole lot of different websites to choose the best cleaner.

Luckily for you, there are a few telltale signs that you can look for that will help you identify the best commercial cleaners for your business. Some things will allow you to eliminate some cleaners immediately, while others will help you build a shortlist of suitable contractors for your business. Our top three tips for finding the perfect commercial cleaner include:

  1. Find Someone Who Is Qualified And Experienced

The first thing that you should look for when it comes to choosing the perfect cleaning company for your commercial needs is their qualifications and experience. While cleaning isn’t necessarily a job which requires a lot of qualifications, they certainly help, and they can provide proof that the cleaner in question is well equipped to handle your work.

Where possible, you should always work with commercial cleaners who have a well established company and who have been in the business for a decent amount of time. Find someone who has qualifications relating to the type of building you have – commercial, residential or industrial – and who has decent cleaning equipment and materials.

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Plumbing Services

Plumbing Services

Be Prepared

A saying states: Make sure you buy a plunger before you need one! While the image the saying might conjure up is not the nicest, it holds true. The same can be said for plumbers. Get to know a plumber before you need a plumber. Here is a list of services you can expect to receive when you call a plumber.

Plumbing and Safety Inspection

According to Complete Bathroom Solutions, you can do that by contacting a plumbing service to carry out a routine check on your home or investment property. It’s a great way to get to know the people in a service you may need in the direst emergency.

One other bit of advice is to keep a record of any plumber you might use if you are satisfied with their work. As mentioned, with any home system, sooner or later, you’ll need the service of the best plumbing company you can find in an emergency or for repair.

Finding the Best Plumbing Service

Since every home in the country has some indoor plumbing, it only makes sense that at one time or another, everyone is going to need the services of the best plumbing service they can find. The challenge is finding someone who is trustworthy, skilled and yet affordable to perform the work. This seems like it should be an easy task to get leaky taps fixed but because plumbing is one skill that is not learned by attending a class or reading books, there should be some way for average home owners to get decent service.

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Common Fire Types

Common Fire Types And How They Should Be Treated

When it comes to office and business safety, fire is a very important consideration. Sure, it’s rare to have a fire in your building, but it is very important to understand that when you do, it isn’t always as simple as grabbing the nearest fire extinguishers and putting it out.

A report out today from Integral Fire Protection, says there are a number of different fires which all behave differently. Obviously, the standard wood or flammable solid based fire is the most common, and is probably the one which we are all familiar with. However, there are at least four other types of fires – classified by the fuel they burn – which should be treated differently to maximise your chance of extinguishing them safely. They are:

Class A Fires – General Combustibles

These are the fires which we are all familiar with. They are fuelled by oxygen, and generally involve common materials like paper, wood, plastic or fabrics burning. They are easily managed, and can usually be controlled by dousing with water, using an appropriate fire extinguisher or covering with sand or a fire blanket.

Class B Fires – Flammable Liquids

Flammable liquids, such as petrol or oil, behave differently to solids when they burn. Since liquids can flow, it is extremely important to never throw water on a liquid fire. The water will sink below the flammable liquid in most cases, evaporating and causing an explosion. Make sure that you use an appropriate fire extinguisher – such as a dry powder or CO2 one – to minimise the risk of making the fire worse.

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Good Fencing

The Good Side of the Fence

Getting new fencing is not simply choosing what you want and building it, or having it built. What about the neighbours? If the local council regulations allow the type of fence you want, you probably feel like it’s okay to build it. Unfortunately, while the fence might be in your yard, or more likely on the boundary, the neighbours will be seeing one side of it every day. Like everything else, there is etiquette involved before you get all enthusiastic and start putting up that fence.

Common Boundaries

Even if you are replacing an existent fence, you need to have the property line checked again.

Your land titles should clearly indicate where everything starts and stops with regard to boundaries, but make sure. Get a surveyor to stake the property again so the fence goes in exactly the right position. Additionally, a surveyor can place stakes along the boundary, giving you a clearer idea of exactly where your fence can go.

Communication with the Neighbour

You cannot erect a fence in this country without having the neighbour agree to the design and cost, particularly as they are usually liable for half the cost anyway. Maybe the neighbour was considering a new fence anyway. It’s just common courtesy to have a nice neighbourly chat about it.

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Property Maintenance

10 Property Maintenance Tips To Save Money

When you own property there will always be maintenance to do on it, whether it is cleaning up the grounds outside or painting the building. Most people want their property to look neat and tidy without it costing them a bomb, so here are some property maintenance tips that will actually save money over the long run.Property Maintenance

  • Fix it while it’s small. No matter what it is; a leak, paint chipped off or some mould somewhere, if you tackle it immediately it won’t cost lot to fix. But if you leave it, the end result could cost thousands.
  • Check for water leaks frequently. Get them fixed as soon as possible.
  • Check that roof tiles are not loose. If they are they’ll likely blow off in the next storm and allow a deluge into your ceiling.
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Security Fencing

4 Tips For Choosing The Best Security Fencing

According to Eline Fencing, most homeowners have some kind of fencing around the perimeter of their homes, but it is not always security fencing. But increasingly these days, you need to know that your family and home are safe from burglary or home invasion.

There are obviously a few ways that you can deal with property security. Some of these are Security Cameras, Alarm Systems, Gate Intercom Systems and Security Fencing. For fencing you will need to install the kind of fence that will keep intruders out.

Not all so-called safety fencing is going to do what it is supposed to. Here are 4 tips to choosing the right kind of fence.

  • Make sure the fence doesn’t provide a hiding place. Fences you can’t see through will provide a place for any burglar to hide so they cannot be seen from the house. This is the kind of fence that burglars like best, since if you don’t know they are there they can work out how to get over the fence and you won’t know anything about it. They may even be able to spy on your house through a crack – or the gate – and find out if anyone is home or not.
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