10 Pro Tips For Pressure Cleaning Concrete Driveways, Paths, And Patios

There are several parts of the exterior of your home where you can use pressure cleaning to remove dirt, grime, grease, mould, mildew and for limestone cleaning. Some parts of that exterior tend to get dirtier than others and they are the ones you might stand, walk, park your car on or be using as .

Your patio, your pathways, and your drive all tend to get the worst of it for several reasons. The most obvious is the fact that as they are at the lowest level all manner of debris, dust, dirt, etc. will land on them. As these are also what you will be walking on or parking your car on, it makes them more susceptible as the dirt gets ground in, or worst of all, oil and grease leaks from the car make an unsightly mess on the drive.

As we said, pressure cleaning is the ideal way to clean all of these solid surfaces, depending on what building materials were used, but it has to be done correctly. As such, we thought it would be useful to provide some tips on pressure cleaning, paths, drives and patios. Read on, and will discover ten pro pressure cleaning tips specifically concerning pressure cleaning those concrete surfaces around your home.

Pro Tip #1 – Plan Everything Properly: As with any task, proper planning is essential, including choosing the day and time, hiring your pressure cleaner, and ensuring you have the correct detergents.

Pro Tip #2 – Protect Nearby Plants And Other Items: If you have any garden ornaments, children’s toys, or plants in and around the areas you are going to clean, either remove them or in the case of plants, cover them up to protect them.

Pro Tip #3 – Clear Away All Loose Debris: Before you start the pressure cleaning process, you will make things easier if you brush away and remove any debris on the ground such as litter and fallen leaves.

Pro Tip #4 – Wear Appropriate Safety Equipment: To ensure that your hands, face, and eyes are protected throughout the pressure cleaning process, you should wear safety equipment such as gloves and eye goggles.

Pro Tip #5 – Spot Treat The Worst Stains And Marks: Locate the worst marks and stains and spot treat them with detergent for around 10 minutes, before using the pressure washer.

Pro Tip #6 – For The Driveway, Start At Its Highest Point: Water is going to run down any inclines on the driveway,  so it makes the most sense to start at the top of the slope.

Pro Tip #7 – Work Methodically: Working randomly is inefficient and less effective. Ideally, work from the centre outwards, cleaning 10 feet square sections.

Pro Tip #8 – Hold The Nozzle Of The Wand At A Safe Distance From Surfaces: High-pressure water hitting the concrete surfaces can cause damage if the nozzle is held too close. You should hold the nozzle at least 12-inches from the surface.

Pro Tip #9 – Ensure You Rinse Away All Traces Of The Detergent: Once you have sprayed the entire surface with detergent leave it for around 30 minutes. You can respray if you wish. Once finished, rinse away all traces of the detergent with clean, cold water using the pressure cleaner.

Pro Tip #10 – Consider Applying A Concrete Sealant: As a final tip,  to protect them and make them easier to clean in future, consider applying a concrete sealant to all concrete surfaces.

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